The music of change: Meet newly minted medical coder Revka Stearns 

Listen to the episode here:

If you’re an aspiring medical coding professional and on LinkedIn, you might know my guest today. In fact, you probably do. She’s positively burst onto the scene.

Not necessarily as a content expert dropping coding or clinical expertise (although that’s coming, to be sure), but someone who has documented her journey to medical coding in remarkable detail and honesty.

From entrepreneurial web developer, metalsmith, piano instructor, and used book seller, to medical coder and LinkedIn motivator, and now to Off the Record (perhaps her greatest achievement to date), I am joined by the very unique Revka Stearns.

By the way, the piano music intro and outro you hear on this episode? That’s hers.

On this show we cover:

  • How and why the (seemingly) sudden change of direction into medical coding after a life of entrepreneurial pursuits
  • Obtaining her CCS and CPC-A: Studying, exam day, and the Andrews School of Medical Coding
  • A whale of a job search that ultimately landed Revka at Hospital Sisters Health System, and her motivating advice for future job seekers
  • Documenting her journey on LinkedIn, and feedback she’s received from readers
  • First month on the job as a new code: Training, tools, and the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the job
  • Present and future plans
  • What Revka does in her “spare time,” and some emotional top hit(s) for the OTR Spotify playlist

Enjoy! #OTR #medicalcoding #careers

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