Find an Extra Hour Every Day
Time is passing you by this very minute as you read. Since you are currently reading this article, perhaps you have some interest in creating a little more time in your day. Now, to be perfectly honest, your day is only going to have 24 hours in it, whether you like it or not. So…
Read MoreBoost Your Workplace Happiness
Here are a few simple ideas to increase your level of happiness at any job. Count Your Blessings When your job has got you down, it can be difficult to find a silver lining, but the effort will be well worth it. Instead of focusing on the endless negatives at work, take a moment to…
Read MoreStay on the Fast Track
Here are some common slip-ups and how to avoid them, so you can stay on the fast-track path to career success. Assuming you want to move forward in your career, avoid these common mistakes that could be sabotaging your progress. It’s alarmingly simple to sabotage your own career. An insensitive comment, your weekend on social media,…
Read MoreFour Habits Successful People Don’t Have
There is no “secret formula” to becoming a success, but it would be a whole lot easier if there were! What it comes down to in most cases is talent, determination, perseverance, dumb luck, or (most often) some combination thereof. While there may not be a surefire step-by-step road to success, there are certainly some…
Read MoreEmbrace These 3 Before Quitting the Job You Hate
Look, we have all been there at some point. We know the feeling of waking up every day with the knowledge that half of your waking hours will be spent in a place you hate. Maybe it’s the work or perhaps it’s the people. Whatever the reason, you hate it all the same and it’s…
Read More5 Characters to Avoid at Work
Are you trying to get ahead in the workplace? Maybe hoping for an end of year bonus or key to a corner office? The first step in advancing your career is building solid relationships at work with both colleagues and supervisors. Just as there are those in the office to build rapport with, there are…
Read More6 Ways to Boost Your Happiness and Productivity at Work
It’s not always easy to maintain a positive outlook throughout the workday. Often, it’s simply not possible to control the stressors, your work environment, or the attitudes of your coworkers. With all of these factors, staying happy and productive at work can prove to be a challenge. However, maintaining a good mood at the office…
Read MoreKeep Your Career Moving Forward With These Tips
Everyone wants to move forward in their career, but some people don’t realize that they’re making critical mistakes and sabotaging their own progress. Understanding these potential slip-ups can help you to avoid them so that you can stay on the fast-track path to career success. Here are a few things to avoid: Micromanaging is Required…
Read More5 Keys to Earning a Higher Salary
Wanting a raise is something of a universal human condition. In fact, you’d be incredibly hard pressed to find a single employee out there who wouldn’t gladly accept a higher salary, if offered. This means that you’re hardly the only one who’s asking themselves how they can gain entry into the next tax bracket. So…
Read More3 Ways Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity
On the surface, multitasking seems like a good idea. Why not do two, or even three things at the same time, instead of one? It may sound like a good idea in theory, but when it comes to real life, multitasking isn’t effective. In fact, it’s probably killing your productivity without you knowing it. Here…
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