CDI, denials, UM, and case management, under one roof? No problem. Meet Susan Fantin

Susan Fantin, MSA, BSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP, is the Vice President of Integrated Care Management for McLaren Health in Grand Blanc, Michigan.

A one sentence description that is a woefully inadequate descriptor of what she does.

All of CDI, case management, utilization management, and denials run through Susan’s capable hands. Think, massive responsibilities. A staff of more than 300. Every new initiative, including a recent system-wide reorganization that aligned case management and CDI under one roof, despite the obstacle of multiple EHRs. Impressive stuff. 

We don’t know how she finds the time to sleep. She admits she’s working on that.

We talk about McLaren’s program and metrics for success before turning to her career and an early hair-raising nursing experience, her rapid ascent up the ladder at St. Joseph Mercy Health System, a detour into consulting and what it taught her, then present day challenges and the importance of mentorship.

Oh, and MTV, back when it used to play music. 

Link to first show 

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